Aluminum Foil
Nut Walker Dry Roasted Pumpkin seeds

Country of Origin : Thailand

Description :
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of minerals, with just a quarter of a cup containing nearly 20% of the recommended daily intake of zinc and 50% of the daily recommended intake for magnesium and manganese. They also contain abundant omega 3 and 6 essential healthhy fats needed for hormonal balance, brain function and skin health.

Nutrition facts/Ingredients

Ingredients :
Pumpkin seeds, Salt

Nut Walker Roasted Salted Sunflower seeds

Country of Origin : Thailand

Description :
Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin E, protein and low in carbohydrate. Just one ounce of seeds provides 84% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin E.

Nutrition facts/Ingredients

Ingredients :
Sunflower seeds, Vegetable oil, Salt